Hello All,
Let's see, where to start.
This morning I taught some basic yoga poses to 8 young kids from the neighborhood. Some of them were really good - able to hold tree pose forever, seemingly, and enjoying doing the difficult downward dog pushups with one leg in the air...more and more kids kept coming wanting to join, it may end up being a big Sunday class.
Yesterday Timmy and I walked to the beach to find Nik and three of the Fellows joining in with the local fishermen to pull in a giant net from a canoe out in the sea. It was like a giant tug of war game with the fish in the net...and the fish lost. Lots of small fish, and several large ones (called in the local dialect "sea chickens"), a tuna, some barracuda. People on the line were putting the smaller live fish in to their pockets to take home as bait or for their afternoon soup. Since he had helped, Nik was given a barracuda, and he sold it for 75 Liberian dollars, which is about $1.25. He will use it to buy drink mixes to put in water or bread in the market when he gets hungry and our meal isn't ready.
Yesterday morning, a couple in their 20s from the community came up for a private yoga class, which they really seemed to enjoy. People here are not used to sitting cross legged, so even just basic stretching poses are challenging. But the woman had good balance, and the man's strength served him well in the difficult poses. Hopefully they will bring some friends next time. I felt proud of them for being willing to try something new.
It has been getting hot here, and the rain is coming less and less to cool things off.
There has been a major upset in the elections, and the election commissioner admitted that differing results were reported, and in fact the opposition party, CDC, won the first election. Ellen's party came in second, so it won't change the run-off election parties on Nov 8, but psychologically it definitely changes things. Apparently, the election commissioner sent his family to the US before he made the announcement (in fear for them) but the US wouldn't allow them to stay. Now the CDC will participate in the run-off election, since they feel like the first election was fairly reported now.
Please see the new Strongheart website: http://flavors.me/stronghearthouse
We need donations!!! there is a spot on the website on which you can donate. We need groceries and money to pay the local staff (cook, housekeeper, someone to bring the water from the stream for bathing and drinking, etc.). Thank you!!
The crescent moon appeared last evening, so beautiful over the ocean, with Venus sparkling brightly near by.
We went to a wake for the neighborhood "governor" Friday night. The coffin was draped with a Liberian flag, in the City Hall, and women were dancing and singing all around it. What amazing energy surrounding him, a good way to go. The dancing and singing went on all night apparently.
We have a pet monitor lizard tied to a tree. Nik brings it dead fish to eat. They say that it will become tame and not need to be tied at some point.
Classes have been going well, there is good positive energy in the house, and things are running smoothly. There was a lot of publicity for Strongheart because of Evelyn Apoko, one of the Fellows, speaking out about the situation in Uganda and Rush Limbaugh's comments about the LRA, by whom she was abducted as a child. Brave woman - interviews on CNN, going to Capitol Hill, etc.
Speaking her truth.
Next Friday the Fellows and I plan on performing MC Yogi's "Be the Change" rap about Gandhi, which is the house favorite song.
Thanks for following!