View from Strongheart House

View from Strongheart House
The Yoga "Studio"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

Finally managed to go to the local business district (one muddy road with tiny tin shack shops) and buy some West African cloth to make into a skirt. I chose orange, my favorite color. Then had an unfortunate adventure trying to support a local women's sewing co-operative...they wanted to charge me $75 to hem it...I should have left then and there, but instead stayed to bargain it down to $5, which was still way overpriced and when I told the Strongheart cook about it she was scandalized and I wished that I could give her $5 to hem it for me. But I had to learn my lesson the hard way I suppose. One of the women had alcohol on her breath. Part of me would have liked to go back and take my cloth back, but I don't want to start conflict for Strongheart here in town, so I shall swallow my pride and hope for the best.
The photos: the Cotton Tree here in Robertsport where the original former slaves landed when they first arrived on the west coast of Africa. The tree is enormous, powerful, ancient feeling. The other photo is from a walk to where the Atlantic meets Lake Piso. The Fellows, and Timmy my fellow Program Guide, walking hand in hand.
Last night, we had "electronic games" night, which meant a giant image of Wii tennis projected on to the wall. The Fellows and Nik had quite a work out. What an odd juxtaposition of technology/leisure/wealth with the facts of poverty and no electricity all around us.
Still no propane in the country, so we are cooking on coal in the outside kitchen. Which makes things like a cup of tea or warm water for a bath too much work to ask for. So Nik is getting used to cold bucket baths.
Another jigger removed from Nik's toe this morning, by one of the Fellows. This time, no tears.
Some of the Fellows left today to play soccer at a tournament that the President of Liberia will be attending. May they represent Strongheart House well! The elections occur next week...may they pass peacefully and may the best person win.

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